Staggered to see that I have not added anything to the ol' blog for a while (indeed haven't even looked at it for a while), so felt the compulsion to write (something....anything!!!)
Seems that about 66% or 2.7million blogs get abandoned after a few months so I was determined not to fall into that category (yet).
In light of this, and in order to demonstrate that this site hasn't flatlined I have given it a refresh with new blue-sky background etc etc. I will probably get sick of this in a few days - fortunately technology allows a simple rethink with no lasting effects so it may change again.
Reflecting on why I haven't added to the blog for so long I can only lay blame on a combination of factors - regular commuting to 'Arrow, domestic furniture (re)arrangements....oh and a minor sporting occasion in South Africa. Sad to see Ghana lose last night - they were my wildcard bet to get to the final. At least I won't have to feel so insigificant anymore when considering my flabby white moobs after seeing their toned, athletic torsoes.
At least when the new footy season kicks off in England I won't experience such low self esteem. My Club manager has done his best to fill the team with pasty-faced, skinny Scots who look like they live on a diet of deep- fried pasta and would get sunburn if you switched on a light bulb.