Every now and again I'm lucky enough to be treated to the televisual phenomonon that is 'Most Haunted'. This TV show, which is tucked away on one of the dust-bunny channels round the back of the TV set, is actually phenomenally successful with a great many ardent fans.
Unfortunately I am not one of them.
The show is hosted by Yvette Fielding (once of Blue Peter) who spends her time 'communicating' with spirits by asking them to tap a number of times (like a counting horse) when she is not screaming and flapping like a ten year old. The programme is filmed in night vision for extra spookiness (so everyone's eyeballs take on a rabid dog look) as they fumble their way around various old houses and castles up and down the country.

Yvette is accompanied by a team on her 'investigation' including a medium, a parapsychologist (ooooh), a fat make-up artist, a cameraman and a sound engineer and after an interesting historical summary at the outset they proceed to spend their time looking shocked and saying 'did you hear/ see that' to camera for hours on end. Usually there will be a rock or a spoon (??) thrown in their general direction by persons unknown (apparently). Sometimes the medium will be aware of a spirit (usually a man in a hat who is a bit unhappy) and they will attempt to communicate. What is always interesting is that the mediums (media?) always look the most spooked by a sudden sound.
They are brilliant at what they do and Yvette Fielding and her husband Karl have made a tidy sum from the programme format.
However after 9 years or so, for all their technology and hours of footage they don't seem to have spotted anything more compelling than a possible 'orb' (ie a moth) on film.
Every show is the same! It is like Groundhog Day and it drives me insane.
The only saving grace is that if I endure this - then I can earn credits to watch the football. Mind you, sometimes watching my team is like a horror show. Boo